Our Curriculum
We developed our own curriculum by using various open source material, available from the Department of Basic Education. These materials form the foundation of our basic content. Our curriculum development is in line with the prescribed CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Policy Standards) guidelines. Learners receive this curriculum through printed textbooks and in an e-format.

Our Focus
Our goal is that learners will attain a high level of engagement early in their studies and will develop as creative and critical thinkers, writers and speakers. Our focus is on changing the way we teach and therefore we incorporate different learning styles to achieve a more individual approach to learning. The focus is on our core curriculum and presenting it to our learners in a more relevant and media rich format.
Technology Integration
We developed our own curriculum by using various open source material, available from the Department of Basic Education. These materials form the foundation of our basic content. Our curriculum development is in line with the prescribed CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Policy Standards) guidelines. Learners receive this curriculum through printed textbooks and in an e-format.
Tablet education enable students to strengthen themselves educationally by creating their own content and to communicate this through working with different media as well as collaborating with students from around the world. We speak less and learn more. When learners create themselves, they understand better.
OneNote as means of instruction
Our staff teaches our curriculum through Microsoft OneNote. OneNote is accessible anywhere anytime on a desktop computer/laptop, tablet or mobile phone. The OneNote platform of the individual learner entails that he/she receives their learning content (textbook) electronically, in colour. Within this platform, teachers can insert any additional content in any media (e.g. normal content, pictures, videos, voice explanations, etc.) within the subjects.
This platform is the basis from where all learning in the class takes place. The teacher projects his/her content directly from their tablet onto the board or television. The advantage of this is that all the media rich content is “live” and by this we make provision for all the different learning styles in the classroom. The fact that all the relevant content is available in one structured platform, makes it easy for our learners to function effectively. The learning environment of each learner is “private” with only the teacher that has access to it. This makes it easy for teachers to monitor individual learning and to provide additional support.
This opens a whole new level of learning and teaching our learners can work at their own pace and be empowered to be actively involved in their own learning. By making notes, inserting relevant media and creating content, our learners become equipped with very important skills that will develop important intellectual ways of thinking and reasoning.
Our learners from Grade 1 to 7 do coding to develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. We code through Scratch. Learners enjoy creating their own environment where they can showcase their solutions to problems.
STEM Curriculum
To ensure that we challenge our learners to develop new ways of thinking, we have a STEM Curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). We do critical problem-solving projects to express our creative thinking through design and fabrication.
Foundation Phase
Every learner who steps into The Foundation Phase of Eversdal Primary School is unique and special. Each is seen as an individual. It is every learner’s right to be educated in a safe and intellectually stimulating environment. Their physical, social and emotional needs are nurtured, thus enabling personal growth.

Eversdal has a very specific Vision and Mission towards which we strive in our approach to teaching.
The academic approach embodies these values.
Every learner who steps into The Foundation Phase of Eversdal Primary School is unique and special. Each is seen as an individual. It is every learner’s right to be educated in a safe and intellectually stimulating environment. Their physical, social and emotional needs are nurtured, thus enabling personal growth.
The National Curriculum is followed, and the content is structured around the learner’s interests and experience of the world. In the classroom, the teacher is the instrument through which the learner’s natural inquisitiveness is nurtured. As of 2020 we employ two full-time coding teachers. Learners will start with basic coding and robotics as part of the curriculum starting in Grade 1.
The teacher is the source of knowledge and supplies the tools to acquire new knowledge, in order to progress. This learner centered approach leads to motivated learners, whose natural curiosity stimulates a passion for learning, resulting in active, relaxed education.
This learning environment encourages confident, courageous and adventurous learners, who have valued opinions. Technology (computers, iPads, Interactive Whiteboards) is used to broaden the learners’ horizon and to teach them skills.
The school’s value programme is an integral part of the curriculum. Attitudes, skills and values are golden threads which run through all the subjects that are taught.
Critical thinking, problem solving and respect, are part of the daily school activities. This, in turn, enables our children to become fully integrated into society and meet the challenges set before them.
Intermediate & Senior Phase
We believe that our learners are unique and that every learner can learn – although not always in the same manner or in the same time. We serve the purpose of equipping learners, irrespective of their social-economic background, race or gender, with knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment and meaningful participation in society as citizens.

We believe that our learners are unique and that every learner can learn – although not always in the same manner or in the same time.
The National Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) prescribes the content which must be taught, but it is up to our teachers to plan how they will teach it to their learners. Our teachers use varied approaches to provide multiple learning options for receiving and processing information, through different media.
We serve the purpose of equipping learners, irrespective of their social-economic background, race or gender, with knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment and meaningful participation in society as citizens.
No Homework Policy
In 2020 we implemented a No Homework Policy. This decision was not made lightly. In order to amke this feasible, the school adapted the daily academic programme and presentation. This programme is structured in such a manner that it was no longer necessary to give homework. “Homework” is completed at school, under the supervision of the class teacher. We had to first prepare the initial groundwork and adapt our classrooms and classroom practice, BEFORE we could approach homework in a different light.
“Homework” is valuable where positive interaction between a learner and a parent takes place. We are convinced that the structure of our classrooms and teaching methods have been adapted to such a degree, that it allows more time during the school day to give attention to that which would normally be given as homework.
Our Language Approach
Learners are taught in their Home Language – (Afrikaans/English). It is important for learners to acquire the competence in at least two languages. Home Languages must be maintained and developed, while our learners must be able to communicate, read, write, think and reason in the Additional Language (Afrikaans/English).
The following aspects are important:
- A text-based approach (Response to text).
- Process writing (creative, functional, transactive writing).
- Reading strategies.
- Reading, writing and communicating in the Additional Language.
- Communication (spoken language).
Our Approach to Mathematics
A critical awareness of how mathematical relationships are used in social, environmental, cultural and economic relations. To foster a spirit of curiosity and a love for Mathematics.
Life Skills Approach
This subject encourages our learners to acquire and practice life skills which will assist them in becoming independent and effective in responding to life’s challenges and to play an active and responsible role in society.
We also incorporate a CYBER WELLNESS PROGRAMME in our Life Skills Programme.
We would like to move from an overload of formal assessment to self-assessment. Learner should learn to evaluate their work to move from: “I can’t do it” to “I can’t do it YET!”
We have school policies for effective class organisation:
- Our learners complete tasks throughout the year.
- Certain activities will not require prior preparation by learners.
- Our learners receive enough time from the educators where preparation is required.
- Examination dates may differ by a few days and are subject to changes. This is in accordance with requirements received from the WCED throughout the year.
- It remains the school’s prerogative to revise dates and to make the necessary changes if deemed necessary.
Learner Care
We have practices, programmes and services which promote social cohesion, a sense of belonging, supportive learning environments, positive interaction with peers, as well as meaningful collaboration with parents. Children are able to reach their full potential, as they are respected and feel secure. The primary support is the teacher in the classroom.

Van Schalkwyk Learner Care Centre
Our children, at Eversdal Primary School, are precious to us and are therefore nurtured by means of purposeful support.
We have practices, programmes and services which promote social cohesion, a sense of belonging, supportive learning environments, positive interaction with peers, as well as meaningful collaboration with parents. Children are able to reach their full potential, as they are respected and feel secure. The primary support is the teacher in the classroom.
In the classroom, the children’s background and culture are recognised and appreciated. We acknowledge and respect differences in the learners; age, gender, ethnicity, language, social standing and disability. We focus on their positive attributes and talents and become aware of their specific needs and intelligences. We understand the enormous demands of society and how these impact on the lives of children. We respond when children, by means of word or deed, cry for support, care and love.
Decisions regarding support are made in team context. This team comprises of the class educator, the parents/guardian, a support teacher, the Deputy Head and/or Principal, as well as several private therapists and psychologists, when necessary.
This broad spectrum of support currently functions effectively, in a well-equipped centre (PROCURA) for learner support. The focus of this centre is to provide all learners with academic, social and emotional support, when necessary. These interventions are followed up with on-going team discussions. Progress is monitored in this manner.
Over and above the aforementioned, a large number of staff are involved in didactical support during the afternoon programme. A separate support class focuses on the specific needs, in both Language and Mathematics, of the Foundation Phase learners.
Learners also have access to private remedial classes, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, as well as specific psychologists and social specialists.
Library and Info Centre
Our Evers love to read, are keen readers and understand the importance of reading. Eversdal Primary School has a comprehensive School Library and Information Centre. It encourages a reading culture and ensures that our learners and staff are supported in inspiring reading and developing information acquisition skills.

Our collections are systematically updated and expanded by a specialist school librarian. We have attractive facilities for reading and developing the 4 C’s: Critical Thinking; Communication; Collaboration and Creativity.
Our Library and Information Centre strives to be innovative, creative and strategic to prepare our learners for the new challenges of the future!